新的托福考试大战已经开始了,童鞋们是否做好了应战的准备了呢?更严峻的是托福考试也在悄然发生着变化。但是!不要慌!!知己知彼,百战不殆。今天就来跟大家详细的说说这些变化都有哪些,让大家心里更有底的去应战! 一、阅读考试文章篇数增加,多套题目同考
阅读时间的延长让很多考生在做最后一篇文章时无法集中注意力。在平时练习中,除了严控每篇文章的做题时间以外,考生更要加入整套题目的练习甚至完整的模考,以适应长时间的阅读机考。 。 【托福考试相关资料】:
下面是超新鲜的2018年托福写作机经,可供备考的童鞋们参考练习~ 托福
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
It is a waste of money for government to fund space travel or space exploration Give specific examples and details to support your answer (2018/01/03) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Nowadays, it is not important for people to have regularly family meals together. (2018/01/06) Which one do you think is the most important factor for a student to success at college or university?
1. Tutors in university.
2. The encouragement from family and friends.
3. High-quality education from high school. (2018/01/27)
If the government want to invest in and improve the quality of education, which one is the best. 1 Hire more teachers to teach a small class 2 preschool education before kindergarten
3 To provide some training courses so that teachers can be more professional (2018/01/28) Agree or disagree?